Work With Me
One On One Coaching
Work With Me
One On One Coaching
"You want Abbie in your corner, to support you and help you see clearly what your next steps are. She cares deeply about your success and happiness and is a strategic partner in coaching you to the next level. Everyone needs a fan club like Abbie!"
Cathy, Chief HR Officer, national organization
Feeling stuck, spinning your wheels and not making the big steps forward in life that you want? Know you have something BIG you want to bring into the world but don’t know how to get there? Want to take your career to the next level but don’t know what steps to take? Ready to embark on an entrepreneurial journey but lost and unsure of where to start? Tired of being tired, dragging yourself out of bed each day uninspired and unfilled with where your life is currently at?
UGH! Not fun, right?
I get it. And I want to help you change that. I’m here to support you and give you the tools and resources so that you can be your best, brightest and most fulfilled self. So that you can create the life of your dreams!
Through this private coaching relationship you will get my undivided attention on you and your business. I specialize in supporting you to get clear on and define your powerful purpose, vision and goal clarity, strategic planning and goal setting, leadership and development, people strategies and more! I’ll give you the insights I wish I’d had when I started my career to help you save valuable time, effort and money. I’ll help steer you past the blocks you’ve created for yourself so you see all that you are capable of becoming. I’ll provide you with insights, suggestions and recommendations that will help propel you and your business forward. I’ll give you actionable items that you can implement NOW!
These sessions are provided by phone, FaceTime, Google Hangout or Skype. You will receive a questionnaire to be completed before our first call. If you’re ready for personal and immediate feedback and coaching then this program is for you!